报告人简介:陈林2002年毕业于东南大学强化班(现吴健雄学院),信息工程专业,2005年和2008年在法国高等电信学院取得工程师和博士学位。目前就职于法国巴黎南大学计算机学院,任副教授,博士生导师(habilitation),2018年获得教授资格(qualification)。长期从事网络算法设计优化和信息安全的研究,已主持和参与十余项欧盟和法国国家资助的联合研发项目。2018年入选法国大学学院(member of Institut Universitaire de France,class 2018),2018年荣获法国科研中心铜奖。2015年起任IEEE绿色认知通信及计算技术工作组主席。担任2017 VTC track chair以及多个国际会议TPC member。目前担任Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing编辑,作为特邀编辑在业内主流期刊出版special issue五个。曾担任法国、德国、比利时、中国国家自然科学基金评审专家。目前已出版专著1本、发表论文100余篇、三次获得最佳论文奖。论文列表及内容以及其他学术背景请参考个人网页//www.lri.fr/~chen/。
报告摘要:Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been experiencing ever-increasing deployment in a wide-range of various applications, such as inventory control and supply chain management. In this talk, I present a systematic research on a number of research problems related to tag counting and monitoring, one of the most fundamental component in RFID systems, particularly when the system scales. These problems are simple to state and intuitively understandable, while of both fundamental and practical importance, and require non-trivial efforts to solve.Specifically, I will cover the following problems ranging from theoretical modeling and analysis, to practical algorithm design and optimization.Stability analysis of the frame slotted Aloha (FSA) protocol, the de facto standard in RFID tag counting and identification,
Tag population estimation in dynamic RFID systems,
Missing tag event detection in the presence of unexpected tags,
Missing tag event detection in multiple-group multiple-region RFID systems.