报告人:陶大程( Dacheng Tao)教授,IEEE/IAPR/SPIE Fellow
In recent years, many algorithms for learning from multi-view data by considering the diversity of different views have been proposed. These views may be obtained from multiple sources or different feature subsets. For example, a person can be identified by face, fingerprint, signature or iris with information obtained from multiple sources, while an image can be represented by its color or texture features, which can be seen as different feature subsets of the image. In this talk, we will organize the similarities and differences between a wide variety of multi-view learning approaches, highlight their limitations, and then demonstrate the basic fundamentals for the success of multi-view learning. The thorough investigation on the view insufficiency problem and the in-depth analysis on the influence of view properties (consistence and complementarity) will be beneficial for the continuous development of multi-view learning.
陶大程教授是信息科学领域著名学者,IEEE/IAPR/SPIE等国际著名学会会士,现就职于悉尼科技大学量子计算与智能系统中心。陶大程教授致力于计算机视觉、数据挖掘、机器学习等领域的研究,在IEEE TPAMI、TNNLS、TKDE、TIP、JMLR、IJCV、ICML、NIPS、CVPR、ECCV、ICCV、ICDM、SIGKDD等国际顶尖学术期刊和会议上发表论文超过两百篇,并获得IEEE ICDM07、ICDM13、ICDM14 10-year highest impact paper等多篇最佳论文/最佳学生论文/最有影响力论文奖项。陶大程教授亦是Australian Scopus-Eureka Prize(2015)、ACS Gold Disruptor Award(2015)、UTS Vice-Chancellor’s Medal for Exceptional Research(2015)等澳大利亚国家、学会和高校学术奖项的获得者。