报告题目:Digital Currencies, the Blockchain, and Their Underlying Cryptography
报告人:许光午 副教授
单位:Department of EE & CS University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
报告人简介:Guangwu Xu received his Ph.D. in mathematics from SUNY Bu_alo, USA. He is now with the Department of EE & CS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His research interests include cryptography and information security, computational number theory, compressed sensing, algorithms, and functional analysis.
报告摘要:Modern development of cryptography especially the public key cryp-tography has enabled many exciting _nancial applications. In this talk, we shall start with describing several relevant cryptographical primitives such as some special digital signature schemes and secure hash functions. We shall then go over some examples of notable digital currencies including e-cash and bitcoin. Finally, in this presentation we will discuss the blockchain technology as well as e_cient computation of cryptographical primitives involved.