


Academic Report Notice (Reference Number: 2024-30)

Release time:2024-10-21 clicks:

Title of the Report: Experimental Study on Plasma-Neutral Interactions and Its Applications in Space Physics

Presenter: Liu Yu

Affiliation: University of Science and Technology of China

Date of the Report: October 22, 2024 (Tuesday), 10:10-12:00 AM

Location of the Report: Conference Room 1104, Building A, Feicui Science and Education Building

Abstract: Laboratory research is an important means of space physics research. Over the past few years, we have conducted laboratory simulations of ionospheric plasma at USTC, independently built ground experimental facilities, and carried out cutting-edge scientific research. This report will briefly introduce the USTC-like ionospheric plasma experimental facility and the major progress made in recent years in the study of partially ionized plasma physics in the Earth's ionosphere, photochemical processes in planetary atmospheres, and interactions between the Martian ionosphere and solar wind.

Biography of the Presenter: Liu Yu is a tenure-track professor and PhD supervisor at the University of Science and Technology of China, and a recipient of the Excellent Young Scholars Fund from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. His main research direction is experimental space physics, where he innovatively conducts research based on the interdisciplinary integration of space physics, plasma physics, and other disciplines. He independently designed and built a ground experimental facility for ionosphere-like plasma and was the first in the world to conduct laboratory studies on ionosphere-like plasma using this facility. This research has provided a new means for domestic space physics research. At the same time, he has led his team in developing multiple original technologies, some of which have been applied in the aerospace and defense fields. He has published 34 first/corresponding author SCI papers in professional journals such as GRL, APJ, and Phys. Plasmas, and has been granted 4 invention patents. His research findings have attracted attention from international peers, and he has given more than 10 invited talks at domestic and international academic conferences such as COSPAR and IEEE. He was also invited by the editor-in-chief of the professional instrumentation journal Review of Scientific Instruments to write a featured review on the construction and research progress of ground experimental facilities for experimental space physics over the past decade.

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