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The 20th Hefei University of Technology Robot Competition has successfully concluded

Release time:2024-05-24 clicks:

Recently, the 20th Hefei University of Technology Robot Competition successfully concluded. This competition featured four events: RoboCup Simulated Soccer 2D, RoboCup Simulated Soccer 3D, AI Innovation, and Robot Innovation. A total of 237 teams comprising 620 students from 11 departments, including the School of Computer and Information Science, School of Software, School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Automotive Engineering and Transportation Engineering, School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, School of Instrument Science and Opto-Electronics Engineering, School of Management, School of Microelectronics, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of Architecture and Art, and School of Economics, spanning over 20 majors, registered to participate.

For the RoboCup Simulated Soccer 2D and RoboCup Simulated Soccer 3D events, our school's instructors and team members trained new members. The competing teams submitted simulation programs automatically executed by the event organizing committee for competition and ranking. The AI Innovation and Robot Innovation events were judged by external experts invited explicitly for the task. Ultimately, Li Kai and 65 other students (23 teams) won first prize, Li Lingyu and 132 other students (48 teams) won second prize, and Li Jialu and 201 other students (69 teams) won third prize. The competition results are attached in Appendix 1.

This school selection competition is a procedural requirement for the Anhui Provincial Robot Competition, China Robot and AI Competition, and RoboCup World Cup China. Teams with outstanding performance will undergo training to represent our university in these three competitions. We hope they will bring honor to our school and achieve excellent results in the Anhui Provincial Robot Competition, China Robot and AI Competition, and RoboCup World Cup China.

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